Customs Duty Fee Calculator Philippines
   Updated: 2021-12-01T04:12:16Z
    minute read

If you've been buying stuff online, there will be a time that you need to pay the customs duty fee of an item personally. Knowing how it works is a huge advantage to help you prepare the estimated amount and not be surprised at the customs counter.

I've created a calculator below to help you in computing the customs dutiable fee. However, this calculator assumes the following:

  • The Item is not covered by Excise Tax
  • The Item does not exceed the "free fee" weight and size limit set by customs.

Customs Duty Fee Calculator Philippines

Current Exchange Rate
Item Price ($)
Shipping/Freight Fee
Insurance Rate
Choose 4% if the item is categorized as dangerous item. Otherwise, choose 2%.
Converted Price
Item Price + Freight Fee + Insurance
Dutiable Percentage
Refer to this link to view the Item's Tariff percentage. You can also use the default value as the guess-estimated dutiable percentage.
Dutiable Fee
Converted Price x Dutiable Percentage
Documentary Stamp
Value Added Tax Fee
(Converted Price + Dutiable Fee + Documentary Stamp) x 12%
Total Customs Dutiable Fee
Dutiable Fee + Value Added Tax Fee + Documentary Stamp

As stated, this calculator only computes the customs dutiable fee. The courier handling fee is a separate payment. For example, PHLPOST's handling fee is Php112.

The result of this calculator is by no means an exact amount of what you are going to pay. This is a calculated estimate that gives you an overview of the range amount you will be paying.


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- Your Life In Perspective by Ælfræd "Elf Counsel" -

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