A Little Request from the Author
   Updated: 2021-12-24T08:31:54Z
    minute read


I've been working on this blog for the past six (6) years. As you all know, there are expenses involved to keep this site running.

Due to these circumstances, I am asking for your support to give a small gift of Php15.00 (GCASH #: 639185591278) to the one behind Your Life in Perspective.

Because of your help, I can focus more on content research and creation due to your support in taking care of the site's operational expenses like domain name, platform, and certificate expenses.

Aside from your support, may I also request to disable your adblocking software when visiting this blog. Doing this will allow the site to display Ads and earn a little revenue, which will be given to the one maintaining the site.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding.



"It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it."
Albert Einstein
- Your Life In Perspective by ÆlfRæd (Elf Counsel)
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