Philhealth Increase in Contribution Starting June 2022
   Updated: 2022-05-19T03:47:09Z
    minute read


As the dust from the recent election begins to settle, another surprise begins to unravel. And that is the (long-awaited?) Philhealth increase.


Philhealth Increase in Contribution Starting June 2022
"bookkeeping-accounting-taxes" by Firmbee is licensed under CC0


If things goes as planned, this year's Philhealth contribution is clocked at 4%. But because of the pandemic, the increase was paused and maintained the 3% hike.


I've created a calculator for this when 2022 started reflecting the 4% increase but changed it back to 3% to be in line with the actual contribution hike.


But now that PhilHealth will implement the 4% hike, I've updated the calculator again to reflect the recent changes.


Visit the PhilHealth Contribution Calculator for 2022


PhilHealth will implement the 4% hike retroactively. This means that from January to May 2022 (5 months), a total of 5% will be added on top of the 4% contribution increase this coming June 2022.



Closing Thoughts


Will they add the 5% deduction directly in one go or implement a staggered deduction scheme?


Once June 2022 comes in, we will know.







What you should do today


Is your pocket ready for this new expense?


What should we do to lessen the burden?


If you have ideas that can help our fellow readers out there, share your perspective in the comments below.


Read Next Article: PhilHealth Contribution Calculator for 2022


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"Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers."
- Ron Paul
- The Introvert's Perspective by ÆlfRæd (ElfCounsel)
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